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Have Any Questions?
Here are some of the most common questions that comes to your mind. If you still got queries write to us.
Who Should Take Solar?
Anyone who is willing to save the environment can go solar. Apart from that it becomes a must for those who pay very high electricity bills.
How many units I will save?
As a general rule of thumb 1kWp of solar panels will generate 4 units of electricity on an average per day.
What is Net-Metering, Net Billing and Gross Metreing?
Net metering means there will be offsetting of the units generated from solar against the units consumed from the grid and if there is still excess exported units (that is net solar generation is greater than the consumption) it is usually given as credit in the next billing cycle or paid off at a feed in tariff.
In Net-Billing mechanisms the consumer will be able to offset units generated by solar only when it is consumed by the consumer. The exported units (anything that is exported) are purchased by the DISCOM for a set feed in tariff.
In Gross-Billing mechanism the entire units generated by solar is purchased for a set feed in tariff rate by the DISCOM and the total consumed units is charged at the normal tariff set by the DISCOM.
What is On-Grid and Off-Grid?
In On-Grid system the Solar Power Plant is combined along with the existing grid connection. All loads at anytime can be run without constrains. It does not have any battery storage option.
In Off-Grid system the power plant is completely isolated from the grid and works with the help of battery storage. However running very heavy appliances is not recommended.
What are the Prerequisites to take solar?
To install a solar power plant shadow free area is the first requirement.
In order to take on-grid system, permission from the DISCOM is required.
Where can I put solar?
Solar Power Plants can be installed on roof-tops, ground, sloped roofs(like industrial roof) or on top of car parks.
How much space will it required to put solar?
Generally for a 1kWp capacity 100 sq.ft. space is required. However owing to the availability of higher watt peak panels this space requirement has become even less.
What is Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III panels?
Tier-I panels are the panels that are manufactured by complete automated systems thereby reducing the defects in the panels which houses the sensitive solar cells.
Tier-II panels involve human handling of the solar cells and panels for example during handling and packaging.
Tier-III modules are manufactured with the most human intervention which increases the probability of defects such as microcracks in the cells.
What is Poly and Mono Panels?
Poly crystalline panels are manufactured with poly crystalline silicon (more than one crystalline in a single cell)
Mono crystalline modules are made with cells made of single crystal of silicon with high purity. They have higher wattage to area ratio.